A downloadable small scale for Windows

An evil witch has used you for your magic and tossed you into the garbage now that you're no use to her.

Knock everything onto the ground for petty revenge

and get out before she catches you!


W= Move Forward

A = Move Left

S = Move Back

D = Move Right

SPACE = Jump

SPACE (while mid-air)= Stop Glide

This was a submission for MGTK game jam 2024

(my first game jam ever)

Theme was "Built to Scale"

not only is the kitchen built to a larger scale but you build piles of trash to help you climb back up to parts of the map you have fallen from.

I feel like I did great on the theme


Trash Toss.zip 40 MB

Install instructions

Download Folder.

Unzip using software like 7zip or Winrar

click on the application named "Scaling"

(that was the projects wip title sorry for the confusion)

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